To learn more and to keep up with the latest trends, I was following 41 web-related blogs… daily! My interests are web design, marketing, front-end development and digital activism. I used to scan about 120 new posts per day and select just a few to read.
But that’s a lot of time spent scanning Digg Reader and that’s not sustainable. Today I’ve decided to change my approach and scan a smaller list with my favourite blogs. Now I can save time, relax and think about how to practice what I’ve learned on the best posts. Many blogs talk about the same issues anyway.
Selecting my short list favorite blogs was not easy, as all the 41 deserved to be in, but this is my final choice:
Web development and web design
- A List Apart (RSS) – It has an excellent archive of web development related techniques.
- Smashing Magazine (RSS) – Webdesign, webdevelopment and the business of making websites.
- Nettuts (RSS) – Great tutorials for beginners and advanced web developers.
- Daily JS (RSS) – A blog about JavaScript, browser-based and in the server.
- HC Cognition (RSS) – Focused on creativity and management of creative teams
- The Web Ahead – Podcast about front-end development and the future of web technologies. Recently also the home for “The Web Behind” series, about the history of the world wide web
Digital marketing
- Occam’s Razor (RSS) – By Avinash Kaushik, a well known online marketing guru.
- Google Webmaster Central (RSS) – Advice about Google for webmasters and online marketeers.
- Frogloop (RSS) – Online fundraising for non-profits.
- The Kissmetrics Marketing Blog (RSS) – Excellent advice from this analytics company.
Digital activism
- Meta Activism Project (RSS) – Thoughts about digital activism.
- Global Voices: cyberactivism (RSS) – News about how digital activism and citizen media are contributing to change the world.
- Student Activism (RSS) – Youth activism and more.
- iRevolution – A popular digital activism blog. Very focus on technology.
Social networking
- Social Media Today (RSS) – All about social networks. Very useful for marketeers and comunity managers.
- Mashable: social media (RSS) – Mashable is one of the most well known blogs about online business and social media.
If you want to try reading this blogs regularly, I recommend using an RSS reader like Google Reader and import this list. You can download, unzip and import my OPML file.
If you disagree with this list and you want to challenge it, please put your best suggestion in the comments. Note: In this blog comments are moderated and external links checked. Posts with spammy, crappy or unrelated links will be deleted without notice.
By Jan Van Dijk 2012/06/25 - 21:27
Great selection. I would add some podcasts from the 5by5 network http://5by5.tv/ like “The Web Ahead” and “Content Talks”.