Author Archives: Osvaldo
About Osvaldo
Digital activist, online producer and webmaster.Ykey – Encrypt and decrypt easily

In a digitally connected world, privacy and security are major concerns and in the Internet privacy is difficult to guarantee. For example: Most people believe e-mail is private and that only people with the password can access it, but that’s … Continue reading
Watch a movie about Wikileaks online

The Swedish TV channel SVT presents Wikileaks, an organization committed to transparency that acts by revealing confidential information. Many times the revealed information exposes corruption, backstage games and disrespect for basic human rights.
Do you have clean water to drink? Not everybody has

Almost a billion people on Earth don’t have access to clean and safe drinking water. That’s one in eight of us. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation causes 80% of diseases and kills more people than all forms of … Continue reading
My list of web-related cheat sheets

This is a selection of cheat sheets that can be very useful for web designers, developers and content producers. They can help you to remember specific tags, pieces of code, colour values and fonts. Some describe complex quality-control or planning … Continue reading
How to create an e-book in the .epub format

E-books have some advantages over traditional books. They can be cheaper, or even free as there’s no paper or printing costs, and they can be easily distributed worldwide through the Internet. Now it’s possible to use smart phones, PDA’s and … Continue reading
10 activism tactics

Tactical Technology Collective is a training organization in activism tactics. They use information and digital technology to create positive change and they have produced a documentary that presents 10 key tactics in info-activism.
Digital activism glossary

Like many other hi-tech disciplines, digital activism has it’s own specialized vocabulary, used by it’s practitioners but unknown by many people outside this field. Talia Whyte and Mary Joyce have compiled a glossary, published in the book “Digital Activism Decoded … Continue reading
Free tools to build and promote a website

The web has created a culture of freedom, and many programmers have developed free tools to create websites. Ten or fifteen years ago the vast majority of free tools had serious limitations or added unwanted advertising to pages, but today … Continue reading