Tag Archives: Activism
Understand power

Power, like fire, is neither good or evil but it can be used for good and evil. This TED video is an excellent introduction to the understanding of power, campaigning and citizenship.
Digital humanitarianism

The disastrous earthquake in Haiti taught humanitarian groups an unexpected lesson: the power of mobile devices to coordinate, inform, and guide relief efforts. At TEDxRC2, Paul Conneally shows extraordinary examples of social media and other new technologies becoming central to … Continue reading
Let’s take back the Internet!

Ted Talk by Rebecca MacKinnon on freedom in the Internet. Todays social networks are large companies and millions depend on their services to communicate and voice their political opinion. Large multinationals that own this networks sometimes comply with the demands … Continue reading
Roles in digital activism

Online activism campaigns are often deployed by a team. Small or large, it’s members will have to solve many different communication and technology-related problems. This team has often people with many different skills that will assume different roles. Each team … Continue reading
Watch a movie about Wikileaks online

The Swedish TV channel SVT presents Wikileaks, an organization committed to transparency that acts by revealing confidential information. Many times the revealed information exposes corruption, backstage games and disrespect for basic human rights.
10 activism tactics

Tactical Technology Collective is a training organization in activism tactics. They use information and digital technology to create positive change and they have produced a documentary that presents 10 key tactics in info-activism.
Digital activism glossary

Like many other hi-tech disciplines, digital activism has it’s own specialized vocabulary, used by it’s practitioners but unknown by many people outside this field. Talia Whyte and Mary Joyce have compiled a glossary, published in the book “Digital Activism Decoded … Continue reading