Tag Archives: e-learning
List of free e-learning sites

We all should be learning constantly so we can adapt to our fast-changing world and new communications technologies. E-learning is often a great solution because you can practically attend from anywhere at anytime. Usually it’s less expensive than traditional classroom learning … Continue reading
The Web in 2013 – Dealing with diversity

I’m just 40 years old and I feel like a dinosaur every time I remember my first years using the world wide web. Back in 1996 we used the web with two competing browsers: Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. I … Continue reading
How e-learning can help digital activists

Training helps digital activists to be effective and understand the campaign’s issues, goals, strategy and tools. However, classroom training is expensive and many campaigns/non-profits can’t afford it. For many activists traveling to a different region or country isn’t an option … Continue reading