Tag Archives: Howtos
List of free e-learning sites

We all should be learning constantly so we can adapt to our fast-changing world and new communications technologies. E-learning is often a great solution because you can practically attend from anywhere at anytime. Usually it’s less expensive than traditional classroom learning … Continue reading
Help visitors to spread awareness in social media

On-site sharing buttons can help to promote web pages in social networks. This buttons help users by making it easier to share the link but also remind and/or ask users to share. Most advocacy and news websites use them and … Continue reading
Create a WordPress multilingual site

Large international campaigns may need to set up multilingual websites, but creating a good site in multiple languages is harder than it looks. First because it may involve dozens of editors located in different countries, but most importantly because of … Continue reading
A CSS workflow for digital activists

If you build campaign sites, you’ll want them to have a branded look consistent with the campaign design. And that means you (or someone else) has to design the site and create the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files. If you know … Continue reading
Online analytics for non-profits: where are you now?

Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. Online analytics extends web analytics and analyses e-mail and social networks. An organization with advanced online analytics decides based on information on … Continue reading
Select a content management system

If your organization is a small charitable, it might need a website but not have the resources to hire consultants to give advice on which content management system (CMS) to use. However, choosing the right CMS is a very important … Continue reading
Roles in digital activism

Online activism campaigns are often deployed by a team. Small or large, it’s members will have to solve many different communication and technology-related problems. This team has often people with many different skills that will assume different roles. Each team … Continue reading
Version control for webmasters, webdesigners and digital activists

Revision control, also known as version control or source control is the management of changes to documents, programs and other information stored as computer files, and it can be a powerful productivity booster anywhere it’s used.
How to create an e-book in the .epub format

E-books have some advantages over traditional books. They can be cheaper, or even free as there’s no paper or printing costs, and they can be easily distributed worldwide through the Internet. Now it’s possible to use smart phones, PDA’s and … Continue reading