Tag Archives: Strategy
Why the independent web matters

In recent years social networks and “easy to use” blogging platforms made it easy for non-technical people to publish on the web. Unlike some previous projects Facebook and Twitter made a huge public relations campaign to gain the reputation as being … Continue reading
List of free e-learning sites

We all should be learning constantly so we can adapt to our fast-changing world and new communications technologies. E-learning is often a great solution because you can practically attend from anywhere at anytime. Usually it’s less expensive than traditional classroom learning … Continue reading
Interesting ideas on fundraising and non-profits

In this this talk Dan Pallotta makes us think about non-profit management and how how NGO’s could have more capacity to solve our problems. Would non-profits benefit from more investment in marketing, advertisement and inovation?
The Web in 2013 – Dealing with diversity

I’m just 40 years old and I feel like a dinosaur every time I remember my first years using the world wide web. Back in 1996 we used the web with two competing browsers: Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. I … Continue reading
How e-learning can help digital activists

Training helps digital activists to be effective and understand the campaign’s issues, goals, strategy and tools. However, classroom training is expensive and many campaigns/non-profits can’t afford it. For many activists traveling to a different region or country isn’t an option … Continue reading
How an effective online strategy can help a campaign

In 2012 the Internet is a powerful medium because the percentage of regular users is very high and, unlike radio and TV, it is interactive. The interactive nature of the Internet makes it the best medium to recruit and involve … Continue reading
Digital humanitarianism

The disastrous earthquake in Haiti taught humanitarian groups an unexpected lesson: the power of mobile devices to coordinate, inform, and guide relief efforts. At TEDxRC2, Paul Conneally shows extraordinary examples of social media and other new technologies becoming central to … Continue reading
Online strategy 101 for non-profits

An online strategy or web strategy is a live document and a tool to help individuals and teams decide on how to run the organization’s online activity. With a clear online strategy the team can focus on what’s important for … Continue reading
Online analytics for non-profits: where are you now?

Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. Online analytics extends web analytics and analyses e-mail and social networks. An organization with advanced online analytics decides based on information on … Continue reading
Roles in digital activism

Online activism campaigns are often deployed by a team. Small or large, it’s members will have to solve many different communication and technology-related problems. This team has often people with many different skills that will assume different roles. Each team … Continue reading